“Elite Blog Academy tuition was the BEST money I have ever spent.”


When the travel guide industry she was in began tanking, Jennifer Marx knew she had two options. She could either get a new, good-paying job outside the home, or she could find other, better work to do at home. After some major soul searching, she realized she loved writing and sharing information, so she thought blogging would be a perfect fit. From September to December of 2016, Jennifer poured herself into blogging and gradually narrowed her focus from “all things mom related” to specifically DIY projects and crafts. She researched ways to monetize her blog, how to improve her blog, and how to expand her reach. And, while her traffic was growing, she just wasn’t bringing in any money. Her best month, December, brought in only $108. So she dug deeper. And, In early 2017, she discovered the Elite Blog Academy®. Even though she put her tuition on a credit card because she was dead broke, she was determined to make it work. And she did.  

One year after starting EBA®, Jennifer’s blog is now consistently earning upwards of $20,000 a month. Her traffic has grown from 10,000 page views to more than 230,000 page views a month, and she has added nearly 30,000 subscribers to her email list. She’s launched her own products, mastered affiliate marketing, and created a business she loves, one that she knows will continue to grow.  

Of her time at Elite Blog Academy®, Jennifer says: “I honestly had no idea it was possible to earn this much from a blog back when I started. But I think I was successful because I looked to others who were doing it successfully and followed their advice, even when I thought it was a bit weird or was outside of my comfort zone. I read every lesson in Elite Blog Academy® twice, watched every video carefully, and did EVERY assignment. I listened to those who had come before me, who were so willing to share. I just followed the framework. And it worked. Elite Blog Academy® tuition was the BEST money I have ever spent.”


“The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself.”


Talaat and Tai from His and Her Money have been blogging for about 4 years. They started their blog in August of 2014 and roughly 3 months later they heard that Ruth created a course to help people blog better. They were already followers of Living Well Spending Less and as they read through the course description, it outlined a bunch of things that they had been wondering about on their own. Tai was a little apprehensive about purchasing EBA because of the cost, but she knew it was the right thing to do. Now, she accredits EBA as the driving force that transformed their blog to a business. EBA helped them create a strategy to magnify their message, refine their voice, and define the pillars of content they needed to stick to. It is really the thing that helped them stay focused so they could as impactful in their niche as possible. Talaat and Tai state that EBA “took us from our first year making $6,000 to our 2nd year […where] we had made $30,000.” Those results don’t lie and that’s due to Ruth sharing all the goodness, all the magic, all the gold, sharing absolutely everything she’s learned through her own success. “Most people look at the cost of EBA and think I can’t afford that, but we would tell people you can’t afford not to take it. It’s worth the investment, it taught us what we needed to do. How to take our ideas and turn them into a sustainable business.”

"EBA® was a game-changer in my business. After blogging for six years with no real systems in place, Ruth's step-by-step program helped me clean up my online presence; create more engaging content; connect with my audience in a more meaningful way; grow my traffic, build multiple streams of revenue; maximize the potential of my platform, and inspire me with new ideas to grow my business. I have purchased many blogging programs and books, and this is hands-down the best content I have ever seen. EBA® is a clear and tangible roadmap for success. Whether you are a new or seasoned blogger, make your way through the modules, do the work, and you will see results. It is the best blogging money I've ever spent."

- Tess Master, The Blender Girl


“EBA changed my life. Even if you are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s worth it.”


Rosemarie Groner is a blogger at The Busy Budgeter who first registered for Elite Blog Academy® in the fall of 2014. At the time, she was a stay-at-home mom who spent her days running a small daycare from her home plus working two other part time jobs while she worked on her blog at night. She and her husband were desperately trying to pay off debt, pinching pennies everywhere they could, and she was literally running herself ragged.  

When she found Elite Blog Academy®, she knew the comprehensive framework it provided was exactly what she needed to get on track, but it felt like a huge investment, one she wasn’t even sure they could really afford, given their precarious financial situation. But, at her husband’s encouragement, she resolved to take the class seriously and to do every single assignment in order, not moving ahead until each one was completed.  

She started in phase one, with refining her message, and in the process, she determined with crystal clarity that her mission was to provide financial advice for people who were overwhelmed with life, and who struggle with time management.  

From there she moved to step two and began growing her audience, and then, as her traffic started to take off, she was ready to transition into phase three and begin focusing on monetization.  

And now, as she moves into phase four, building her business, she is equipped to refine and build upon this framework of success she has created for herself. She has a plan and she knows exactly what tasks to tackle every single day.  

Speaking about the transformation she’s made over the past two years, Rosemarie explains:  

“I was making $18/month from my small blog in September 2014 when I joined Elite Blog Academy®. By following the framework, I drastically increased every month and am now making more than $30,000 a month from my blog, and I understand how to sustain that income.  

More importantly, my life is completely different. Before Elite Blog Academy®, I was running a day care of 4 kids, had 2 additional side hustles, and worked on the blog at night. I was exhausted! Now I work 20 hours a week, have financial freedom and a thriving business. EBA® completely changed my life.  

When it comes to enrolling in EBA®, the ONLY question that should be in your mind is ‘am I committed to doing this?’ Even if you are living paycheck to paycheck, it’s worth it. When you see what’s possible, it is such a small investment, and if you are committed to doing the work, you will see results.”


“Thanks to EBA®, I can spend my time doing the right things in the right order at the right time in order to continue moving my business forward.”


In 2016, David and his wife Meg found themselves in the same situation as a lot of young couples—drowning in debt from student loans, and trying to figure out some way to pay them off so that they’d be ready to start a family.  

A music teacher by day, and a realtor on the nights and weekends, David was committed to doing whatever he could to get ahead.  

He started his blog, Finance Superhero, as a place to share the tips and tricks he was learning, and for him it was just supposed to be a fun hobby and creative outlet—one that might also be able to earn a little bit of money along the way.  

He spent the next few months trying to learn what he could about growing his traffic and monetizing, but for the most part, he felt like he was just spinning his wheels, and not making all that much progress.  

Nine months into this new hobby, David hit the wall. He was feeling particularly unfulfilled in his day job, and he was frustrated that his blog didn’t seem to be the answer to everything he was searching for. He was ready to throw in the towel.  

And then, just as he was about to quit, he discovered Elite Blog Academy®.  

According to David, it was one of the best decisions he’s ever made.  

He says, “Immediately after beginning Elite Blog Academy® I realized a number of things that were entirely wrong with the approach that I had been taking, and in just a few weeks’ time, I totally revolutionized the way I was writing my content, marketing my content, and overall creating a long-term strategic plan to develop my blog into a business.”  

By his third month of EBA®, his page views had increased dramatically, from 2,000 a month when he started to more than 50,000 page views a month, and he had his first 4-figure revenue month, which to David, felt like a huge breakthrough. He realized then that Elite Blog Academy® was the answer.  

One year after starting EBA®, his once-hobby blog is consistently earning several thousand dollars a month, and his traffic has continued to increase, despite the fact that he only has 2-3 hours a week to devote to blogging.  

Now when David looks to the future, he feels excitement instead of dread. He and his wife are now debt free, and expecting their first child. Best of all, he has a solid plan in place to escape the hustle and create the business of his dreams.

In February 2016, I came across a post from a blogger where she talked about how taking a blogging course – Elite Blog Academy® quadrupled her income in a year! For one month I worked tirelessly on my blog based on the course, juggling my internship and my blog together and just one month later, I DOUBLED my blog income. My blog was FINALLY working for me.

- Javeriya Sayeed, Sew Some Stuff


“I signed up and immediately knew it was the best thing I had ever spent money on.”


When she was in high school, Caroline Vencil had dreams of conquering the world by the time she was 25, including being the youngest-ever CEO of a Fortune 500 company. And then she got pregnant at age 18, and everything changed. Caroline and her husband struggled to make ends meet on his $17,000 a year salary, and she didn’t just shove her career aspirations under the rug, she threw all those big dreams out the window and instead threw herself into being a mom and a wife, and to saving money wherever she could. But after three kids, she suddenly had a moment of revelation that there was something more she should be doing. Ultimately, she realized that she had a story that was worth sharing. That’s when she decided to start a blog to share all her tips and advice, as well as help her earn extra money from home. But as she soon found out, getting people to show up wasn’t quite as easy as she thought it would be. For months, she barely slept as she worked day and night to try to gain traction—to grow her traffic and generate revenue—with very little to show for all the effort she was putting in. But then she discovered Elite Blog Academy®, and, as she puts it, “it was all over from there. I signed up and immediately knew it was the best thing I’ve ever spent money on.” Within just a 3 months of starting EBA®, Caroline was earning more than $1,000 a month, and one year later, she was earning more than $10,000 a month from her blog, a number that felt pretty insane, considering how little her family had lived on before. Speaking of her journey over the past two years, Caroline says this: “I had a story that people wanted to hear, I had something that was worth sharing, that was going to be helpful to people, I just never knew it. I was just over there wallowing in self-pity about ‘oh, I’m just a mom’—but no! There was a reason I went through all of that, and so being able to have my blog and find my voice and share that with people—it gave me so much purpose and meaning. Now I’m a better mom and a better wife because I found something that makes me happy to my core. EBA® has changed everything, and it has taken me from hating my life as a mom to now being a business owner, and I just love every aspect of it. The highlight of my entire life was being able to send in my legal documents to incorporate my business and create an actual company from my blog the day before I turned 25, as the CEO of my company.”


“We wish we knew about EBA much sooner. It would have saved us time and money had we done it right the first time.”


Timberley and Andre Gray started their blog, Living Our Priorities, in 2014, a solid 2 years before joining EBA. But it wasn’t until they joined EBA that they realized how many gaps they had in their knowledge when it came to blogging. “We wish we knew about EBA much sooner. It would have saved us time and money had we done it right the first time.” They paid 3 times the cost of EBA doing it wrong and making needed fixes.  

The thing is, Timberley and Andre knew that they had good content, but it wasn’t until EBA that they received a roadmap and super detailed instructions on how to get people TO their content. You see, when they first started they barely had any traffic to their blog and what they did have was from social media. With EBA, they have been able to grow their traffic by over 80%, grow their email list over 60%, and their favorite transformation was taking their organic traffic from 1% to 40% – that was the tangible evidence they needed to prove that their hardwork was paying off and that the framework EBA teaches really does drive results. Timberley and Andre’s dream is to be able to focus full time on their ministry and their blog and EBA has put them within arms reach of that reality.

“When I started EBA® in March 2017, I had 600 email subscribers. Now I've gained more than 6,000 email subscribers by understanding who my readers are and how I can help them. As a working mom, I did every assignment at night and followed Ruth's advice. My blog has grown to almost 90,000 page views a month. I love having a plan for creating and building a business. Not only do I love blogging more than ever, my monthly income is more than $3,500 and growing every single month! EBA® is the best thing I could've ever invested for when I was ready to take my blog to the next level."

 -Brittany Wise, Our Home Made Easy


“EBA is not magic, but magical things happen when you do the work.”


When Tasha started Elite Blog Academy® in 2014, she was a partner in her corporate law firm, where she defended medical professionals in big, multi-million dollar malpractice cases. She was also the mom to three-year old twin girls.To say she was busy and stressed out was an understatement! She started her blog, Designer Trapped in a Lawyer’s Body, as a creative outlet, but she just didn’t feel like she had time to figure out all the ins and outs of blogging. She was interested in enrolling in EBA® because she thought it might be easier to let someone else do all the research and point her in the right direction, but she was worried about making such big investment into what was little more than a hobby at that point. Of her time spent in EBA®, she says: “I jumped into the course right away when I purchased it in September 2014. I immediately learned about creating awesome content, perfect pins and going back to optimize old content. Truly, I have never worked harder in my life, especially since I was still working full-time as a lawyer! Blogging is HARD WORK. Results do not come for free and Elite Blog Academy® is not magic. It will not do anything for you if you don’t put the work in. But I put in the work in and within a year I had more than tripled my page views and was earning more than $10,000 a month through my blog. On January 1, 2016, 16 months after starting Elite Blog Academy®, I gave up my partnership at my firm to blog full-time. I am now earning MORE than I was as a private practice attorney from my blog. My blog and income continue to grow and I don’t plan to slow down any time soon. And more importantly, I couldn’t be happier! As far as I am concerned, the sky is the limit!”


“You’ll be surprised at the results you make in just a couple of months.”


When David Auten and John Schneider started their blog in 2012, their goal was to not have to work for anyone else so they could spend more time together. But they felt their writing wasn’t that good and they didn’t exactly know what their voice was. They knew they wanted to help the LGBT community but thought of their blog as a fun hobby that they hoped would eventually bring in income. Going through EBA® helped them look at their blog as a business. They got crystal clear on who they were writing to, and the traffic and income followed. Their list grew 9x, their traffic doubled, and they’re now the number one personal finance blog and podcast for the LGBT community, and they’re having a blast while doing it.

"Just one year after enrolling in the Elite Blog Academy®, I am finally pulling the plug on my corporate career. A marketing career of 10 years that I earn a very comfortable salary with. It’s scary and amazing all at the same time! So, how did I do it in just one year? I followed Ruth’s steps to turn a blog into a thriving business! And it’s all laid out in a logical manner, where you can see your progress being made."

 - Kristy Haare, LifeNReflection


“I really like this EBA thing.”


We love Bridget and Ryan’s story because it shows how EBA can work for you, even if you aren’t a traditional blogger. Bridget and Ryan are brick and mortar store owners, selling tack, saddles and western fashion, and they are SO enthusiastic about their small business. The only downside of being a small business in a small town is the lack of foot traffic, something they’ve been battling with almost since the beginning. So, in order to keep their doors open, they had to travel to trade shows across the country to showcase their products, taking a lot of time away from their family. Fed up with the travel time and the lack of sales, Bridget decided to look into online retail. Every business conference she went to all told her the same thing – she really needed a blog to get her business out there. But there was one problem. She did not know a thing about blogging and never really considered herself a writer. But she knew that in order to reach her goals, she needed to tackle “this blogging thing.” In 2017, she started her both her blog and EBA both. On January 1st of 2018 they decided to go ahead and launch their online shop. They surpassed that their first year’s goal of making $500 a month and sold $33,000 in physical products alone! They credit their success to EBA, which taught them to use their blog to broaden their reach and let more people know about their store and about their family. People are now driving to visit their store BECAUSE of their blog – one drove as far as 12 hours! Even Ryan is on board. He realizes now that blogging is not just writing, posting, and social media. Customer service is a HUGE part of running a blog and a business and now he combines the two, helping people and solving problems, just like he’s been doing for years. Ryan realized, “I don’t have to put my hands on every horse to fix them. I can do it over email or a phone call.” Blogging has single handedly saved this family and their small business from closing it’s doors and has transformed their storefront into a well-trafficked location both in person and online.


“We don’t want to just make money–we want to have purpose and meaning [and that’s why we blog].”


Tracy Lynn Shugerts got her start in blogging by working on a farm. After two grueling years of working day in and day out in all kinds of weather, Tracy, who just wanted to learn the best way to homestead, was fed up with farming. She just wanted a resource that would teach how to homestead successfully and she couldn’t find it.  

That’s when she told her husband that she was going to start a blog. Ultimately, she wanted to create a space that would helpful to other women like her, women who wanted to start farms but didn’t know how to do it. It was only 10 days after her decision to start blogging that she came across EBA. Hailing that as a sign, she joined EBA as soon as the cart opened and never looked back.  

Through EBA she learned a road-map for success, one that is set up in a way that anybody, anywhere can learn. She equates EBA to a recipe. You have to add your ingredients in the right order for your recipe to come out and that is exactly what EBA showed her. Do each thing, step by step, in the right order and you’ll come out with a business.

“When we bought EBA® in 2014, we had been consistently earning money from our blogs for a few years. But it wasn't until we worked through EBA® that we realized the difference between being a blogger and creating a lifelong, sustainable business. Over the past few years we've been able to use our blogs to create a company that is bringing in passive income while we pursue our dreams. And the best part? We are using the information in EBA® to help us achieve the goals we have for our family and other businesses, not just our blogs! If you're looking to get organized and build a real business, EBA® is a no-brainer.”

 - Mike & Carlie Kercheval, Fulfilling Your Vows


“I never in a million years thought this was something I could do. Ruth has given me that confidence.”


Tammy Rotzoll has been a part of the EBA community for several years now. When she first started blogging, it was an outlet, something that she could do to take her mind off of her chronic illness, which presents itself in the form of severe migraines.  

But, Tammy knew she wanted to take her blog from just a hobby and transform it into a business. And, EBA has helped her to do just that, by giving her easy to follow directions and clearly defined goals and milestones. One of her favorite things about EBA is Ruth’s teaching style and her gift for being able to pull confidence out of her students. Tammy acknowledges just how much Ruth’s tough questions and constant encouragement has contributed to her newfound of confidence.  

And now, after EBA, her blog has really grown into her dream business; one that is not only reaching and changing women’s lives from around the world, but also helping to support her family on her terms, and around her chronic illness. That has changed everything for Tammy.


“It’s the greatest playbook there could ever be about blogging.”


After his daughter was born, Jay Kruger started because he wanted a resource of things for dads by dads “with a dad level of humor.” Unlike a lot of our other EBA students, Jay enjoyed storytelling and a lot of the other aspects associated with blogging, but he never thought of himself as a writer. Jay didn’t know what to expect when he joined EBA in March 2018, after a friend recommended it to him.  

As someone who was flying blind with no structure, Jay found it helpful that someone had provided an instruction manual for him. At the end of his first month, his traffic grew to 1100 views. “There is no way that there is that many people that want to read things that I have to say. It was a little surreal.” Jay finds the Facebook group and Ruth’s weekly Live Q&& videos so helpful when it comes to staying on track.  

“It’s super simple to not get stuck on things and to be able to move on to the next step.” Does he want to grow his blog into a full-time business? While Jay likes creating content for The Dad Crew, he still enjoys what he does for a living and doesn’t know if he would ever want to become a full-time blogger.  

Of where he wants his blog to go, Jay says, “If I can help somebody, then I feel like I’m winning and it’s worthwhile.” Does he think that EBA is right for the part-time blogger? “If you join for no other reason than for the contacts and network that you become a part of, it’s a game changer. You literally get to be put into the Tom Bradys of the blogging world. It’s the greatest playbook there ever could be about blogging.”

“I'm constantly asked what my recommendation is for my favorite overall blogging course, and that is Elite Blog Academy®. I purchased Elite Blog Academy® a few years ago and I truly believe that it's the best blogging course out there. I started Making Sense of Cents in 2011 just as a hobby (I didn't even know that blogs could make money), and eventually left my day job as a financial analyst to blog full-time. I now earn over $100,000 a month from my blog, and have enough invested to retire whenever I want, at just the age of 28. I love blogging, though, so I don't see me stopping anytime soon! Me and my husband sold our house in 2015, and have been traveling full-time for a little over 3 years now, and we're in an RV.”

 - Michelle Schroeder, Making Sense of Cents


“I want a path and I want to know what is going to be right and EBA and Ruth do that.”


Shelley started blogging in 2009 and for the first 6 years she blogged only for herself and had no intention of blogging for business. But in 2017, when her blog A Family Meeting gained some traction, she changed her mind.  

The thing is, Shelley has always felt a pull to teach and help others. When she recognizes there is a problem, the wheels in her brain immediately start turning and she’ll stop at nothing to solve it. But, for some time, she felt like she was not understood and that this need to solve problems was almost a flaw. Through EBA, Shelley learned to embrace this trait as a gift and essentially learned to accept herself for the first time in her life. She also learned through EBA that by being 100% yourself, people will come.  

Shelly says that, “changing people’s lives through what I have to say, the blog, and my words has been so rewarding.” She realized then that she is always going to be a teacher and is always going to have something to say, and it doesn’t matter if everyone in the world loves her message as long as she resonates with her people. At the end of the day, Shelley says “I am a worker, I don’t want to waste time, I want results, I want a path and I want to know what is going to be right and EBA and Ruth do that.”


“I have hope now after taking EBA that it’s only going to go up from here”


When her son was born, Kara Fidd decided she wanted to stay at home with him instead of going back to her full-time career as a nurse. It wasn’t easy living on half the income, but she knew she had to make it work. Kara decided to start a blog and was researching and learning ALL of the things about it. But she was learning too much at once and didn’t really know where to start. Then she found Elite Blog Academy. Working through the course with her first blog, she loved the road-map and direction EBA provided her. She was no longer wasting time trying to figure it out on her own. Also having a certification in graphic design, Kara discovered she really excelled at that part while other bloggers struggled with it. The EBA framework helped her to discover her true niche and launch her second and current blog, Simplifying DIY Design, to help bloggers with their own graphic design struggles. After working the steps, Kara now earns 3 to 5 times what she was making in her old career–and doesn’t have to leave the house or pay for daycare! Her family is now able to pay their bills, go on trips, travel and live a completely different life. Kara says, “It may seem like it takes a while to make money, but once you see it happen it’s like a snowball and keeps growing and growing. I have hope now after taking EBA that it’s only going to go up from here” She credits her success to finally investing in herself as a business, and wishes she could get all of the time back that she wasted at the beginning doing things the wrong way.

"My blog has come so far in so many ways because of EBA®, and so have I as a blogger. I still am not quite at the income level that I want to grow my blog to, but I know that I actually have the plan to get there. I am starting to see growth on the foundation that EBA® teaches you to build first. Ruth's mastermind of EBA® is a true gem. It's the one course I will always value over any other course. It's the Holy Grail of blogging."

 - Layne Dasher, Crafting a Beautiful Life


“There is absolutely no doubt that EBA will change your life.”


After suffering from Postpartum Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in 2012, Monica Froese found blogging as an outlet, a way to find other people who might be going through the same things that she was. She was amazed to find that her story resonated with so many other working moms! After being asked to speak at the White House about working families, Monica knew that she wanted to turn her blog into something even bigger…something to help even more moms who were struggling with the same things that she was.  

In September, she purchased EBA during a secret flash sale. She was nervous about telling her husband at first, and he was pretty skeptical that it could be anything more than a passion project. In January, Monica quit her corporate job and focused solely on completing her EBA coursework. She followed every step, even the ones she thought she already knew because she’d been blogging for a while. By August, she was working as a full-time blogger. “I followed every single step that Ruth told me to do, and my email list exploded to 30,000 in about a year and a half.”  

Of her time at Elite Blog Academy, Monica says, “when I took EBA, it gave me permission to share my story, and I don’t think I would have had the courage to do it if Ruth hadn’t shared her depression story on her blog. When she shared her story about having severe depression, she told it with such confidence. I felt like that was such a huge game changer, because I was ashamed of what I was going through. EBA helped me to tell my story.” And her husband? Once skeptical, he is now an ambassador for EBA. “My husband is actually more outspoken about EBA than I am!” “There is absolutely no doubt that EBA will change your life.”


“I honestly think this would have been too scary to me to try had I not had the overall plan and steps that EBA® provides.”


Jennifer Roskamp started her blog, The Intentional Mom, in 2015 because, as a busy homeschooling mom of 7 kids (soon to be 8), she wanted a creative outlet, and she also liked the idea of possibly being able to earn a little extra money on the side to supplement her family’s income.  

She had no idea that less than a year later, she would find herself in a position of being the primary breadwinner when her husband unexpectedly left his job in order to go back to school full time.  

At first she was scared, but then she realized that Elite Blog Academy® had already given her all the tools she needed to support her family—she just needed to put them into action. She continued growing her audience, developed a loyal following on Periscope, and began creating the books and products that she knew her audience was looking for.  

Of her experience with EBA®, Jennifer says:  

“I started EBA® within a few months of beginning to blog because I wanted to start off on the right foot. I had no idea that only a few months later, I would need to use my blog to support my family. But I wasn’t scared because I had a plan to follow — step-by-step — instead of aimlessly wandering, and it gave me the confidence I needed to keep moving forward.  

I learned how to grow my audience, build a brand, market myself, create products, start earning money, and fulfill my business goals, and I was able to revisit the steps any time I needed to.  

Every day I ask myself what I can do to build my business, and then I just throw spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. When I figure that out, I alter it slightly and then do it again. I honestly think this would have been too scary to me to try had I not had the overall plan and steps that EBA® provides.  

If you are wanting to start a blog and are looking to earn any kind of income from it, the money you invest in this course will more than pay for the course many times over. It’s just a matter of taking the leap!”

“My blog has grown tremendously thanks to Elite Blog Academy® and I can’t speak highly enough about the course. In terms of blog growth, I went from 1,000 monthly page views to 160,000 monthly page views in under a year, which is something I never thought possible! I learned how to monetize my blog through Ruth’s various strategies and earned over $13,000 in my spare time last year. I also created a product and started my own business, which allowed me to quit my full time job. None of these opportunities would have been possible without Elite Blog Academy®!”

 - Kristin Larsen, Believe in a Budget


“People need your message. No matter who you are, or where you come from, you really are unique.”


Sareeta Lopez’s blogging story is a little different than most. She’s not a mom. She’s not working her way out of a mountain of debt. She’s not sharing DIY projects and cool recipes.  

She started her blog anonymously in 2015 as a way to process her experience as a victim of sexual assault.  

By going online with her story, she hoped to reach people like herself who misunderstood sexual assault and issues surrounding it. Her goal was to gain clarity and healing for herself while helping give others hope and inspiration.  

She blogged at her site, Flight & S&arlet, anonymously for nearly a year, but she struggled by spending all her free time on it with no real direction or goal in mind.  

It wasn’t until she discovered Elite Blog Academy® in 2016 that she gained the courage to go public with her identity when one of the course assignments called for it. She calls it a “huge game changer.”  

She was terrified, but she decided to Do It Scared®. Within hours of sharing her story on Facebook along with adding her picture and name to her blog, she began to receive an outpouring of support.  

Many people she knew reached out to her personally to show support, and people she hadn’t spoken to in years shared their own experience of sexual assault, and why they loved what she was doing.  

She took it as a sign that she had to keep going. “It was clear that my blogging was truly helping others,” she says. “While others didn’t want to share their story the way I did, my doing so helped them feel heard and listened to.”  

She kept going, refining her message to talk about taking control of your life, expanding her target audience to millennial women, and launching her first product: The Millennial Life Planner.  

She went from making no income to approximately $1,000 a month a year later, but the most valuable benefits were intangible: “It helped me heal from sexual assault, and it gave me a community of people that are becoming real friends.  

About her experience with Elite Blog Academy®, Sareeta says:  

“I learned that the MOST important thing, above anything else, is knowing your message and who it’s for. Growth and money will only come after those things have been realized.  

The Monetize Your Blog module taught me that not every income stream is made equal. Some income streams are much better than others… specifically, making your own products! In January this year (2018) I launched my very first product: The Millennial Life Planner. And guess what? I made a sale in the first day!  

The Build Your Business module helped me a TON. It basically gave me a step-by-step process for figuring out exactly what I needed a virtual assistant for, how to find one and where, how to set up the actual process for hiring, and how to be a good leader of your team (even if it’s only one other person).  

If you go through the course, you’ll get into a lot of nitty gritty details about what blogging is and how to do it. But something you’ll need to remind yourself is that people need your message. No matter who you are, or where you come from, you really are unique. EBA does teach you this, but it doesn’t give you the fire you need to keep going when it gets tough. You do.  

So even if you think no one will care what you have to say… trust me. You’re probably wrong!  

Blogging is amazing not just for the potential of growth and income, but it will give you a sense of agency you never thought you had. You’ll grow as a person. You’ll learn about yourself and discover a part of who you are that maybe you never thought was there.”


“EBA is the best thing that has ever happened in the blogging world.”


As an engineer, Flavia loves systems. Even better she loves creating systems to manage her home. Blogging gave her the opportunity and platform to share these systems with other women. But, unfortunately, she was going in circles and as a result her blog just wasn’t growing. She just wasn’t doing the right things in the right order. Just like learning your ABC’s as the foundation of reading, you need a good foundation before becoming a successful blogger.  

EBA was the foundation Flavia needed to get further into blogging. Once she decided to invest in EBA, Flavia realized that although blogging comes from the heart, you also need to have structure. EBA gives you structure and order so you don’t go insane! Not only do you get the tools you need, but you also get the emotional support you need. Blogging is lonely, and EBA gives you a tribe and community of people who get you, it’s an added bonus!

"In 2014, I read How to Blog for Profit: Without Selling Your Soul. I was lucky to be included in the first Elite Blog Academy® group. Since then, I've gone through the course three times. Every single time I learn something new. Ruth's teaching has proven correct through the years. Her wisdom isn't based on the latest algorithm or fad but tried and true methods that withstand the test of time. Even after the first few lessons, I doubled the traffic on my blog. Since enrolling, my blog is more focused, more beautiful and more useful to my readers."

 - Elaine Mingus, Radical Christian Woman


“I learned that running a profitable blog isn’t magic.”


JoAnn Crohn is a full-time blogger at No Guilt Mom who has been featured on The Today Show, among other accomplishments. About her time in EBA®, she says:  

“Like many beginning bloggers, I had no clue how to run a successful business. It was February of 2015, and I had decided to take another year off teaching. I told everyone it was to spend more time with my one-year-old son, but secretly I also wanted to make blogging my career. I started Whimsicle a year prior and thought, “I should be making more money by now.”  

I read article after article, trying to glean some major secret about blogging. I felt like a failure. It seemed as if all these other bloggers had huge audiences and money pouring in. However, nothing I tried worked. To top it off, I felt burnt out and really down on myself.  

When I found EBA®, I immediately enrolled for the waiting list. I knew that Ruth had an extremely successful business and I wanted that! I needed someone to show me how to do this.  

I learned that running a profitable blog isn’t magic – rather it’s consistent practices that build the foundation of a strong business. EBA® taught me how to create eye-catching pins for Pinterest, develop a strong structure, write posts that engaged my audience and how to plan for future growth.  

Now, I no longer search for that magic ingredient to overnight success. After the first month of applying EBA® practices, my blog Whimsicle nearly tripled in pageviews. Two years later, I’m still growing! I attribute that to the solid foundation that Elite Blog Academy® helped me establish. Without it, I’m positive that my blog would still be a hobby and I would be back in the classroom.” 

“Before enrolling the program, I felt like I was spinning my wheels — not making the progress I thought I should. EBA® helped me shift my mindset and showed me how to systematically accomplish all of the big tasks I had been putting off because I lacked the knowledge to do so. Seven months later, my hobby turned business is now earning $1,000 per month and my page views have increased from 30,000 to 172,000!”

 - Brittany Ann, Equipping Godly Women


“If you want your life to look different than it does today, EBA can give you that freedom”


Before EBA, Pam worked as a therapist in a private firm and she loved what she was doing. But, when her and her husband started talking about retirement and their goals and desire to travel, Pam realized that her current career was limited them. So, she started researching about blogging and decided that was definitely the way she wanted go, even though she’d never blogged before. In the beginning of her blogging journey (like many of our students), she was feeling a little bit lost. She wasn’t sure where to begin or what to do first.  

But, EBA changed all that. She realized that there was a solid pathway or roadmap to success laid out in front of her. So, she put in the hard work and it paid off. Through blogging, she now has the opportunity to not only start earning passive income and to also incorporate aspects of her job as a therpaist that she loved. Pam says that while it can be easy to look at the numbers and decide that EBA is too large of an investment, it’s an investment that saves so much time and money!  

“The knowledge that you get through EBA, especially right from the beginning of your blog, puts you way ahead of the game.” Now as a blogger, Pam has time to do things that she wants to do – like care for her grandson 5 days a week – something that she holds very dear to her heart and would not have been possible without blogging and EBA. This has really opened the doors to her husband and herself to live the life that they want to live.


“EBA® paved the way for me to build a platform, get a book deal, make a full time income and even allowed for my husband to quit his full time job!”


Of her time in Elite Blog Academy®, Kim Anderson, blogger at Thrifty Little Mom says:  

“When I started learning about blogging from Ruth a fews years back I could have never anticipated how EBA® &&blogging would change my life and my family. When I started, I was just a stay at home mom searching for more in my life. Fast forward 4 years and I now run a successful blog, I’m a published author and I make enough income that my husband was able to quit his terrible commute and his day job to work on his own dreams at home.”

“Last year when I enrolled in Elite Blog Academy®, I was starting from square one with my new blog, Little Girl Designs. I had no social media presence, only 10 posts on my blog, and definitely was not making an income. So I made the investment, knowing I needed a strong foundation, and I’m so glad I did. The principles I learned in EBA® helped me grow my pageviews, build a strong email list, and grow my social media accounts. (My Pinterest account went from 0 – 8,000 this year!) And in my first year, I’ve created two workbooks, two mini courses, and countless resources for my readers using many of Ruth’s guidelines. Because of the success of these products, this course has absolutely paid for itself over and over again. You can’t afford to not take it!”

 - Jennie Moraitas, Little Girl Designs


“Elite Blog Academy has pushed me into a place of knowing where to go.”


Jasmine Watts founded her blog, Miss Millennia Magazine in 2011 for women transitioning from college to adulthood, a topic that spoke directly to her own experience, and to where her friends were at in life. She began building an audience and generating a little revenue, even as she still worked full-time at her day job.  

But after several years of working on this side-hustle, Jasmine realized that she had plateaued. Her traffic and revenue weren’t growing, and she knew she had to be missing something. She just didn’t know how to get where she wanted to be.  

She enrolled in Elite Blog Academy® in 2017, and immediately she realized that what she had been missing most of all was a clear, straightforward plan to follow.  

She says “Elite Blog Academy® has pushed me into a place of knowing where to go. I now feel like I have so many blog mentors & I&know who to go to when I have questions about something specific, and I know where I am headed. It’s been not only inspiring to see what is possible, but super practical to understand exactly what to do to get there.”  

One year after starting Elite Blog Academy®, Jasmine has made back her investment many, many times over. Her traffic has grown exponentially, to more than 150,000 page views per month, and her income has increased dramatically as well.  

But the thing she is most excited about is being able to truly connect with her audience in a more authentic and meaningful way than ever before. EBA® has taught her how to understand her audience, and how to create content that resonates.  

When we asked her thoughts on what kind of blogger would most benefit from EBA®, Jasmine said, “honestly, I think there is something in EBA® for everyone. I was blogging for 6 years before I started EBA®, and I went through every single module and got something from all of them, even the ones where I thought I knew a lot about that specific topic. It is a great guide for anyone who wants to go from being just a blogger to having a blogging business.”


“If you want to make your blog a success, it is worth the money”


Stephanie is a travel blogger and photographer that focuses on helping her readers discover new destinations. Although, She didn’t know anything about blogging before beginning, she soon realized that it had all of her favorite things rolled into one: writing, marketing, photography, etc. and she realized that she wanted to try and find a way to make it work. It wasn’t until joining EBA that she learned where to even begin blogging.  

EBA gave her a road-map to follow, one that she knew would lead her towards success. When asked if EBA was worth the money, Stephanie tells us that for her it was some of the best money she has ever spent because “you have to spend money to make money.” While we may not always appreciate that phrase, it is true. In blogging, you have to pay for your domain name, your hosting, your email service, etc. – and EBA teaches you how to use each of those tools. Without that direction and clarity it can be all too easy to become frustrated and quit.  

In addition to a solid framework, EBA has given Stephanie a community of support, she knows where to turn if she needs a question answered or just a little encouragement. But, even if she wasn’t making money blogging, Stephanie says that the one of the biggest rewards from blogging is when people stop her on the street in her town and let her know that her writing has made a difference for them.

“I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for all you taught me through EBA® and the encouragement to go for it with creating and launching a product! Because of your advice I buckled down and made my first product, the Stay at Home Mom Survival Kit, and am actually launching it today! It was a lot of work, but so worth it!”

 - Rebekah Schwind, Charming Imperfections


“Since I signed up, EBA has been like a compass whereas before I always felt lost”


When Melissa, of Our Happy Hive, was starting out, she knew absolutely nothing about blogging and was intimidated by the tech side of it. That’s when she researched EBA. Melissa says that EBA “felt low risk to enroll because it was solid information and was backed by dozens of seasoned bloggers she followed.” After enrolling and following the framework, she’s seen her own blog grow, she is now even more of an EBA believer. One of her favorite things about this course is the community that you instantly become a part of. She loves that you are connected to staff, current students, alumni, and experienced bloggers, who all chime in when available to provide support, advice, encouragement, and answers. With so much information out there about blogging, it’s hard to know which tips to implement and which are a waste of time. And, she loves that EBA removes the worry of wasted time and overwhelm of information, and instead provides a trustworthy curriculum based off of Ruth’s own experience and success.


“Ruth’s approach with EBA is like your best friend coming alongside you…who wants to come and help you walk through a process.”


Being a small business owner can be tough and often leaves you feeling alone. Kristen Millican and her husband, owners of Millican Pecan, struggled with feeling like they were doing a great job, but not having any real systems to back those feelings up.  

That is where Elite Blog Academy stepped in. “Ruth’s approach with EBA is like your best friend coming alongside of you.. or your mentor really.. someone who is like your older sister who wants to come and help you walk through a process,” says Kristen. Kristen loves knowing she has someone who will come along and challenge how she has always done things, in order to learn how to do things right.  

She feels that the EBA community is like no other and has provided more encouragement than any other industry she has been a part of. “Most industries you feel the competitive attitude and the territorialism- and EBA is not like that. It is open, inviting…they are your cheerleaders and want to help you and share what they have learned. That type of community is rare and irreplaceable.” Although, Kristen is still in the early stages of EBA after a re-branding last year, she can still see the positive changes EBA is making in her life both personally and as an entrepreneur.

“Working with Ruth is the most powerful tool I have yet encountered in building my blog. In implementing her advice, my traffic quadrupled almost immediately, and I learned valuable insights for building a brand. In less than one year, I have increased my blog traffic by over 3,700% and my subscribers by 2,700%! Not only is Ruth full of hard-won wisdom and experience, she is a soulful encourager.”

 - Tammy Strait,


“EBA is the one huge purchase I don’t look back at and cringe.”


Grandi followed Ruth’s blog and her systems for a number of years, but never felt confident enough to jump into the blogging world. It wasn’t until reflecting on her time left with her kids (the oldest who was just 2 short years away from college) that she decided it was time to stop thinking about starting a blog and actually do it. Grandi realized that what she wanted most in the world is to be home with her kids, and she knew the only way to make that happen financially was to enroll in EBA.  

EBA helped provide a structure, making Grandi’s long days of blogging before and after work and on the weekends, so much easier and productive. Ultimately, EBA has saved Grandi precious time and helped her grow her blog in the direction she’s always dreamed of. Grandi tells us that the best part about watching her blog grow has been hearing readers tell her their lives have been changed. “To me changing the life of one person is worth it.”  

EBA is a time and money commitment, but Grandi fully believes that you need to invest in it now,”but you have to also make sure you really want to do it, put your blinders on, and have the self-control to make it happen.”


“I will never have to go back to a corporate job.”


Aja McClanahan was on the beach in the Caribbean when she signed up for EBA®. Her thinking was if she could get serious about generating income, the life she dreamed of – traveling, homeschooling and being a full-time blogger – could be hers.  

Up to this point, she had been blogging at Principles of Increase but she admittedly lacked focus. Describing her approach as “punching in the dark,” she felt unorganized as she attempted to work on everything at once. She was busy but not productive.  

EBA® gave her the focused framework to take exactly the right steps in the right order. Within eight months of starting EBA®, she was earning approximately $2000 a month. Now that she’s finished the course, she proudly calls herself a full-time blogger and internet entrepreneur – and she’s helping others get out of debt, increase income and build wealth. Oh, and she’s able to pursue her dream of homeschool and traveling now that she enjoys the flexibility of working from anywhere.  

Of her time spent in EBA®, she says:  

“It took me about 8-9 months to finish, but once I was done, things began to fall into place and my income started to reflect the new skills I gained from Elite Blog Academy®.  

I have to warn you: blogging is not easy! Yet, it is incredibly rewarding. As I write this, I am gearing up for a 4th trip to Cuba and am planning to take my kids to Disney World in September. Before this, we went to California for six weeks, spent almost 3 weeks in the Dominican Republic and a few days in San Diego. If I didn’t have the flexible schedule that blogging provides, I could not do any of this!”

"For me, Elite Blog Academy® was an amazing experience! I joined EBA® in March 2017 and it's unbelievable how much I learned in less than a year. I remember being afraid of making this investment because my blog was only 3 months old when I joined the course. Now, looking back at this great year, I can say that it was totally worthwhile! This course has helped me grow my blog, build an engaged audience, and set a great foundation for even more growth in the future! I love being part of the EBA® community because it gives me the opportunity to connect with awesome bloggers and learn from their experience too! I would totally recommend EBA® to any blogger who is determined to build a successful blog! It's the most comprehensive blogging course that I've ever seen and it offers a step-by-step approach that is easy to understand and implement."

 - Raluca Loteanu, Playful Notes


“Basically Ruth’s the real deal! And so is EBA!”


Gina Horkey is a blogger and business owner at The Horkey Handbook. Here’s what she has to say about EBA®:  

“Back in December, 2014 when I initially launched 30 Days or Less to Freelance Writing Success, my (now) friend Ruth Soukup was also launching her very first course, Elite Blog Academy®. My business has grown quite a bit over the last 2+ years and enrolling in her course (and taking my blog seriously) is one of the reasons why.  

Let me show you…  

My December, 2014 Stats (12/10/14)  

Monthly Pageviews: 3,010 Monthly Unique Visitors: 739 Email Subscribers: 64 Facebook Page Likes: 196 Twitter Followers: 348 Pinterest Followers: 55 More Current Stats (2/1/17)  

Monthly Pageviews: 50,723 Monthly Unique Visitors: 25,253 Email Subscribers: 14,747 Facebook Page Likes: 1,392 Twitter Followers: 3,425 Pinterest Followers: 3.5k I may not have the biggest numbers traffic-wise, but like EBA® will teach you, they’re just vanity metrics anyhow. What’s important is that I’m making a full-time living from my website. And I have my own team now that I’m responsible for supporting too!  

I started following Ruth way back when online business wasn’t even on my radar. Back when I was just reading and writing blogs for fun. 😉 So it was a no-brainer to sign up for EBA® 1.0 when it came out, even if it felt like a big business expense at the time (spoiler alert: it paid off!). What I love about Ruth and her team though is how important putting out valuable and actionable content is.  

That’s why I’m going to take EBA® 3.0 again when it’s available. Because I know I’ll learn something new that will help me to take Horkey HandBook to the next level. (And it doesn’t hurt that I get free access to the updated material either!)  

In addition to Ruth being my online guru, she’s also someone that I’ve gotten to meet and hang out with in person. Basically, Ruth’s the real deal. And so is EBA®!”


“I have been with EBA for a year and a half and have seen growth since the every beginning”


Treasure Provost has been with EBA for nearly two years now and what’s amazing is she’s seen results and growth from the very beginning. One of the most significant things that EBA has given her is a roadmap, including specific instructions for how to exactly to build her business. As someone who had not been active in the workforce, this roadmap was HUGE for her.  

Not only did EBA and Ruth tell her HOW to build her business, Ruth’s kindness, her teaching style, and the amazing community we have worked so hard to build, have given her the confidence to be a blogger and think of herself as a business woman. We are thrilled that less than two years into her blogging journey, Treasure is making a full-time income and continuing to grow every day.

"To say that Elite Blog Academy® has changed my life is an understatement. Unlike many entrepreneurs in the business world today, Ruth’s core values make her exceptional. Elite Blog Academy® is designed on the foundation of those same values. This is a course that offers a lifetime of learning. EBA® teaches you sound business principles and effective strategies to continue to grow and scale your business, not about how to use the latest algorithm to achieve overnight success. Ruth’s mission is to teach others to be successful and she willingly shares her secrets to success. Investing in Elite Blog Academy® is a sure-fire way to ensure your success. No matter who you are or what your circumstances, you have a unique story that the world needs you to share."

 - Allison Chovanec, Dust Bunnies and Blessings


“Even if you are on the fence even just a little bit, you should really consider EBA.”


Melissa Blevins of, teaches about all things personal development and personal finance. Unfortunately, Melissa is somewhat of a self-sabotager. She tends to run away from anything hard and ultimately sabotages some of her goals, dreams and aspirations. So to help her narrow her focus, she went ahead and purchased EBA 3.0 in 2018, and could not have been more excited and eager to get started.  

But her urge to run away kicked back in and caused her to revert back into her shell and pause EBA. She says “I felt all over the place, which left me lacking focus and direction in the growth for my blog.” Because of this, she reverted back to what was most comfortable. For Melissa that was real estate. So she put EBA and her blog completely on the back burner.  

Then in January of 2019, she picked EBA and her blog back up again, and this time completely re-branding and relaunching! The growth she has seen from EBA, even in such a short time, is huge. She completely credits EBA and says she would not be where she is today without it. She says “even if you are on the fence even just a little bit, you should really consider EBA.”


“Ruth helped me make the mindset shift to understand that earning money from my blog is not selling out.”


Edie Wadsworth is well-known for her fun and eclectic style. She originally started her blog, Life in Grace, in 2008 as a place to share her thoughts and document her life. For Edie, blogging was just a fun hobby, not something she ever intended to do “for real.”  

But after blogging for six years about all the different things she was interested in, she realized that she might be just a wee bit scattered in her approach. Around this time, she also realized that she might be selling herself short by not treating her blog as a business, especially since she had amassed quite a loyal following!  

She enrolled in Elite Blog Academy® in 2014 as a way to get more focus and clarity in her blogging and take a more business-minded approach to her blog. She was able to hone in on exactly who she was talking to, and how to better serve her audience, and began creating products that spoke directly to her avatar.  

As a former physician, Edie also realized that her true passion was in helping people discover health and wellness through essential oils, and she began using her blog platform to grow her Young Living business, where she has achieved the rank of Diamond, and now earns a healthy 6-figure income from her blog and oil business.

"As a result of studying EBA®, in less than ONE year's time, I've launched a full-bodied blog, (closing in on 100 articles) started a second blog, successfully launched a best-selling book, gained a following of over 1500 subscribers, and made my first $2,000 all with the help of Elite Blog Academy®. (And I’ve had a blast doing it!) My life has changed incredibly over the last year. I would have never imagined I’d be where I am today. I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store! Without Elite Blog Academy®, I would still be surfing the internet, reading other peoples’ success stories, while my life stayed the same."

 - Amber Fox, All Natural Joy


“Going through the course was so hard… but EBA gives you the framework and how to find the path to do it.”


As a stay at home mom, Carly Campbell was desperate to stay at home and continue raising her kids, but also wanted to find something that she could turn into a career. So in March of 2016, she decided to start her blog, Mommy on Purpose.  

Prior to purchasing EBA her blog was pretty much non-existent, except for owning a domain and hosting. A month later after buying EBA, she found that she had to scrap her original domain as well as buy new hosting because of all of the things she had learned within that month and a half. Carly stated that “going through the course was so hard… but EBA gives you the framework and how to find your own path to do it”.  

The next step she took was the midway assessment and it asked if she was blogging about the same things she was when she first started. She realized she wasn’t and that the course was doing exactly what it was meant to do, which was to lead her down the path to a successful blog. Halfway through EBA, she began to make a few cents here and there on ad sense and now, two years after finishing EBA, she is making enough money to pay her mortgage and so much more! “It’s beyond my wildest dreams”.


“Ruth helped me figure out how to deliver more value to my audience.”


Saira Perl spent almost 3 years trying to turn her blog Mom Resource into a business all by herself. Without realizing it, she was spending too much time on activities that weren’t benefiting her readers or her bottom line. In September 2015 she joined Elite Blog Academy® & everything changed.  

What EBA® means to Saira’s family:  

“I started blogging in 2013 when we were living in Paris. I was taking a break from corporate life to stay home with my baby & &as experimenting with blogging as a way to make a living and work from home.  

For almost 3 years I followed other online “experts” without much focus or success. By the end of 2015 I felt burnt out and frustrated. I decided to take the leap and join EBA® as my final attempt to really find out whether blogging could be a career. If EBA® didn’t deliver, I would quit blogging & r&turn to work.  

Well, I’m still blogging today because I saw immediate results with EBA®! It totally changed my focus – instead of obsessing over getting more & mo&e readers, I starting diving deeper into topics my existing readers were already asking for… For me, that was Twitter.  

Ruth helped me figure out how to deliver more value to my audience. She gave me the strategy and confidence to write my own online course, Twitter Legend!  

Before EBA®, $500/month sounded like a dream goal. Within 1 month of joining Elite Blog Academy® I made over $1,000/month, and now I consistently earn $1,000-$3,000/month.  

For my family, earning a real income online means I have the freedom to work around OUR schedule. With little kids at home, I love that I can still put my family first while pursuing my passions part-time, from home.  

I will admit when I joined EBA® it felt like a HUGE financial investment – I barely earned anything from my blog and the EBA® price tag would require everything I made.  

Looking back now, EBA® was easily the BEST investment I ever made in myself, by blog & my care&r. This is a game-changer and I only wish I had taken it sooner to avoid all that wasted time, energy and frustration.  

But I’m not done. EBA® is a massive course and I have taken my time going through each step. There is always more to improve on.  

For example, I wrote my course without understanding how complicated it could be to promote a course. I was THRILLED to read through Ruth’s brand new EBA® Product Launch Playbook where she shares the exact checklists & email seq&ences she uses to promote everything from her planner to her book to EBA®.  

This is the kind of practical detail Ruth shares and if you are really looking to turn your blog into your business, EBA® has everything you need.”


“Get education from those who have gone before you and have proven that what they’ve done works.”


Living in the Midwest and raising a family, Mary Smith knows what it feels like to be overwhelmed and a bit beaten down by the daily grind.  

After thinking about blogging for two years, she realized it was on her heart for a reason (even if that reason wasn’t apparent) and Coffee + Moxie was born. Soon after, she discovered Elite Blog Academy® and knew if she was going to make a real go of it, she would need to learn from someone who had experienced success and could help her as well.  

This once timid dreamer is now heading up an online community of mothers walking through their struggles together and facing them head on.  

About finding her passion for blogging and goal-setting, she says:  

“Even though running a blog takes a lot of work, I have fallen in love with it! It has been an amazing creative outlet for me to share my ideas and help others.”


“I now put in approximately half the hours for 70% more income.”


Lena Gott is the blogger behind What Mommy Does and the blogging community Adventures in Blogging. Lena is a CPA turned stay at home mom of three little ones. She started writing online in 2008 and officially started blogging in 2010. She started taking her blog seriously in 2014 when her youngest child turned three.  

She wanted something to call her own once her kids were in school, and she knew blogging was a great way to earn money while being available to her kids on a flexible schedule for field trips, after school activities, and even impromptu vacations!  

When she started Elite Blog Academy® in 2016, she was already earning a full time income blogging but working very hard to do so. She was looking for a way to take her blog from a “job” to a “business.”  

She considered enrolling in Elite Blog Academy® for three years in a row and finally took the plunge after hearing the glowing recommendations from bloggers she admired. Enrolling in EBA® was a turning point in her blog business.  

The trainings in EBA® are designed to help bloggers get into a business mindset and figure out how to serve their readers in a deep way. Once she started applying the principles from EBA® to her existing blog content, the results were tremendous! She now works fewer hours than she ever thought possible to earn six figures blogging because she finally figured out what REALLY matters when it comes to growing an audience and customer base.  

Why Lena wished she would have enrolled in EBA® sooner:  

“Once I started the Elite Blog Academy® lessons, I kicked myself for not investing in EBA® the very first time I heard about it! There are so many valuable lessons for new and experienced bloggers, alike. If you are unsure about anything in your blogging business, from your messaging to your ability to generate consistent revenue, EBA® will help you nail down those things. Above all, I think EBA® helped me figure out EXACTLY who my ideal readers are, determine EXACTLY what to say to them, and know EXACTLY how I would make money doing so. I like knowing what I should be doing on a daily basis to grow my blog as opposed to wishing and hoping what I put out there sticks.”


“It is an all encompassing course. It will take you from the most beginner to the most advanced.”


Soon after Adrienne Luedeking graduated college, she found herself disillusioned with her major and the job prospects it led her to. She realized she had lacked clarity in college and been on the wrong path. Struggling to find herself and navigate the newfound challenges of adulthood, she took a risk and started her own business from home as a side hustle.  

She discovered EBA® around the same time. She realized blogging was the next thing for her, and she dove in deep. The course helped her grow her blog, Fruitfully Alive, into a stable source of income that has allowed her to go back to school — this time for her passion of entrepreneurship — and help other millennials who are where she was three years ago.  

About finding her transformation through blogging, she says:  

“EBA® changed my life. I got through that period of my life of not being clear and not knowing what to do next. To be able to look back now and help people who are in that place and give them the lessons I learned myself and have them come back and say, ‘You got me through it,’ is the most powerful feeling. It has given me drive and purpose. To know the work I’m doing is actually meaningful is so important for me.” 


“Elite Blog Academy® is not a course… it’s like a coaching guide.”


When Alicia started Elite Blog Academy® in 2017, she had been a freelance translator for over 10 years. She was itching to branch out and do something new with her business, but she had too many ideas and not enough direction. All she knew is she had a deep desire to create. Blogging was never in her plans, but EBA® gave her the path she was missing. She decided to launch a blog called Born to Freelance to help other women start a freelance business. About blogging, she says: “It has everything which someone like me needs: It’s challenging, highly dynamic, never-ever-boring and – most importantly – it requires planning, strategic thinking AND continuous learning. Now I can’t figure out how I haven’t started earlier!” She was interested in enrolling in EBA® because she wanted to “do it right” from the very beginning. She says no one can tell she just started her blog, because it looks so professional, and now she’s enjoying getting emails from women whom her blog is helping. Of her time spent in EBA®, she says: “It was a bit expensive, and I don’t even know how I got to their site, but I was convinced from the very first moment. Looking back, it was so comprehensive and intensive, that you’d think it was overwhelming. But it wasn’t! And that’s EBA®’s magic – you get this awfully huge information in little bites, step by step.”


“Within 6 months of starting the class, my blog growth tripled.”


Of her time at Elite Blog Academy®, Tania Griffis, blogger at Run to Radiance says:  

Building a successful business can feel overwhelming, especially as a creative who isn’t naturally business savvy. I had been blogging for 3 years with very little growth, and getting to the point of frustration where I was ready to quit. I saw a friend post about Elite Blog Academy®, and decided to give it a shot.  

I faithfully went through the class—it took me about 6 months because I implemented every single step. Within that time frame, my blog traffic tripled! With Elite Blog Academy® I got more growth in 6 months than I did in 3 years, by far.  

It wasn’t just my traffic that grew, though. My eyes were really opened to the possibilities of what I could do with my business. Ruth is an excellent teacher—she’s great at breaking down big-picture items into small digestible bites. Her upbeat personality and encouraging tone helped me push through the more challenging lessons.  

A year after completing Elite Blog Academy® and faithfully implementing everything Ruth taught, I was able to finally make my dream happen—I quit my corporate job and became a full time blogger!  

My husband and I celebrated the start of my new fulltime career by taking our dream vacation—a month in Europe. I would have never been able to do this without Elite Blog Academy®.  

Currently, my days are filled with creating projects, photography and writing. Beyond all of that though, my thinking has shifted to how I can build my brand and grow my business. I’ve learned that my blog isn’t my business, but that it’s a part of my business. I’m learning something new every day and can truly say I love my life.  

If you’re on the fence about Elite Blog Academy®, I really encourage you to go for it! If you are at the breaking point like I was, you literally have nothing to lose…but everything to gain!”


“It helped me believe in myself.”


In the process of raising five children and moving several times, Amylia Coover lost a bit of herself. Through the outlet of blogging, she rediscovered a dream she had from childhood: to be a writer. EBA® gave her a roadmap to go after her dream, and by taking that first step of starting a blog called Quite Contemporary, she began to gain confidence. Now, she’s writing her lifestyle blog posts as well as her first book. And most importantly, she feels empowered to spread inspiration and help motivate others to succeed.  

About joining EBA® in 2017, she says:  

“Time is valuable, and I want to make sure I’m spending my time correctly. When I heard about EBA® last year, I missed the sign up because I didn’t have the money together to do it. So I always regretted that. I was able to earn enough revenue on my own through my website to pay for it, so that’s kind of exciting. Since I’ve earned revenue, I’ve learned that really the the sky’s the limit – for everyone, for you for me. It’s not all about income because I’d want to do this even if I wasn’t making anything. I think that’s where the pure joy comes in; I just felt a burning desire to share my talents with the world around me. I love to teach people how to do things.”  


“It’s worth the investment to be able to take that step to pursue your dream.”


Trish Townsend wanted to help build up and encourage other women through her blog, Hope Dwellers. She just wasn’t sure she had what it takes. Taking her cues from Ruth’s teaching, she learned that the world doesn’t need another blog. It needs awesomeness. That stuck with her, and Trish pursued her dream of raising up a community of women who see themselves the way God sees them and empowering them to reach their own potential. “You can do it scared,” she says. “You can have that hope that your dreams can come true.”  

About launching her blog with the help of EBA®, she says:  

“Buying the course gave me the momentum and the impetus to start the blog. [It] helped me to be able to get into the mind of my reader and really understand who she is and what she needs. The whole process of learning methods for developing my writing and my content really helped me to hone that message so i wouldn’t be rambling in every direction. EBA® has given me the opportunity to set into place a way of helping others.”


“I’ve taken several blogging courses and EBA® remains my number one pick.”


Arabah Joy is the blogger behind She signed up for Elite Blog Academy® in 2014 without even knowing for sure what she wanted to accomplish, but just knowing that she was looking for a little guidance along the way.  

About her experience with EBA®, Arabah says:  

“I began blogging as a ministry in 2010. I knew that I had great content but did not know how to gain traction, or what to focus on and when. I needed a plan — a step-by-step process I could implement — from someone who knew what to do. I enrolled in EBA® and doing so was a game-changer for me!  

The course presents assignments in an effective format and Ruth mentored me through the process, providing everything I needed to get the results I was looking for. In the first 10 months, my monthly page views increased from 10,000 to 150,000, which was amazing, but more importantly, I began receiving daily emails from people who are impacted by my message, which was my ultimate goal for blogging.  

I do not have ads or do sponsored posts, which means I rely on affiliate programs and my own products to monetize my site. Through EBA®, I was inspired to launch my first online course and not only earned $3,900 during that first launch, but also gained the confidence that I will be successful going forward”  

These days, Arabah not only inspires thousands of women on a daily basis, but earns a healthy full-time living through her blog, which in turn has made her ministry even stronger. She can afford to spend the time making a difference in people’s lives because that time is also helping to support her family. 


“If you do the work, it will work for you.”


Elise Draper is a blogger at The Frugal Farmwife. Here’s what she has to say about her time in EBA®:  

“In 2014, I was a blogger, working my tail off on all the wrong things. I made enough money from my blog to pay the internet bill, and that was about it. I was totally burned out, and EBA® was my one last shot at trying to make it work.  

Starting EBA® breathed new life into my blogging efforts as I started implementing each and every step – completing each unit before moving on to the next one. Immediately, I started seeing an uptick in traffic to my blog, but nothing major.  

And then it happened. I got to unit five, and with the solid foundation laid in all the previous units, my blog stats skyrocketed. Within a month, my income just from add revenue increased 6x, the month after that, it doubled again. And that was just unit five. As I continued with the EBA® curriculum, my income continued to rise. I learned how to focus on effective strategies, listen to my readers needs, and bring value to my readership.  

And today? My little blog pays for each and every one of my family’s expenses – all while staying home with my kids.  

If you know my family’s story, you know that we hit rock bottom and couldn’t even afford to run the air conditioner in our rent-free house during the southern summer months. We didn’t even have internet at our own house when I started Elite Blog Academy® – I walked up to my parents house to watch the course videos! With no jobs in our area, my husband traveled to another state to work for a friend. In fact, I sold the beloved trophy saddle I’d been holding on to til the day we had enough money that I could again start riding horses, just to pay the fee.  

It’s safe to say that Elite Blog Academ®y has changed, not just my life, but the lives of my whole family. It was a risk that paid for itself in the first month. It allowed my husband to quit that taxing job, and start his own in-home business.  

It was – and is – work. But It’s allowed us to travel the world – not something we even dared dream about in 2014. ” 


“I was in a hole and couldn’t find my way out. EBA® was like the ladder I needed to climb my way to the top so I could reach new heights with my blog.”


Maureen Campaiola is a blogger at A Debt Free Mess Free Life who enrolled in EBA® in 2014. At the time, she was running a family residential and commercial cleaning business, running her coaching practice and was a full-time caregiver for her sick mother. She was running herself ragged trying to keep up with all demands and desperately wanted to find a better way. She was looking for an end game to the cleaning business, and blogging seemed like a great strategy to make that happen.  

When she started blogging her goals included finding her tribe of loyal readers, driving traffic, email marketing, and monetization strategies. She readily admits her biggest problem – she had no clue what she was doing and needed a step by step plan to help her navigate the waters. She recalls writing blogs posts, posting them on social media and then waiting for “something to happen.” Of course, nothing did, and her frustration level grew in direct proportion to her regular failures. As a 54 -year old single woman, she thought – “if this doesn’t work, what is my alternative?”  

Then she stumbled across EBA®. After reading the information about what was included in the course, she signed up immediately anxious to get started on the modules and how to make her blog successful.  

How signing up for EBA® impacted Maureen’s blog:  

“EBA® gave me the foundation to accomplish my goals by providing me the resources, tools, and strategies to implement my plan and move my business forward.  

I took the time to go through each and every module and applied what I was learning step by step. Anytime I got confused or felt like I needed a refresher, I would head back to the modules and fine tune what I was doing. Each and every time I did, I saw a direct, positive impact on my business. Soon I was starting to see more and more traffic and my income was getting bigger and bigger.  

The course requires you to work diligently – not just skim the surface. Blogging is hard work, and it’s not always easy to put all the pieces together and create something people value and want to support. But because of EBA®, I can say that I learned what it requires to take a blog from mediocre to phenomenal.”